A FactNexus Knowledge Graph is set of Concepts and the connections between them. The connections are referred to as Facts.

A Concept represents a discrete "thing" within the graph. That thing can be as simple as a single organisation or as broad as "the set all animals". In your new knowledge graph FactNexus (@3782~200009) is an example of a single organisation and Animal (@1~118) represents all animals.

Each graph you create comes pre-loaded with a set of concepts that represents more than one million English words. This initial graph is what makes natural language search for Concepts possible. You build your knowledge graph by attaching your new Concepts to the appropriate existing Concepts in your graph.


There are five key objects used by the FactNexus EKG Graph API.



A string that represents a 128-bit address in "concept space". Each concept has, and is located using, one of these. It takes the form @[64-bits]~[64-bits]. e.g. @3782~200009



Carries labels, a short text digest about the concept, and the ConceptIDs (called descriptorIDs) of the concepts that subsume the concept. (See @1~31209).



Carries the two ends of a relationship between two concepts (nearID and farID). Optionally it can also carry a relationshipDescriptorID - which points to a concept that describes the nature of the relationship. A fact with three IDs is analogous to an RDF triple, a property graph edge or a predicate calculus statement.



Extends Concept by providing descriptor Concepts rather than just descriptorIDs. It also provides related facts - also as Concepts. This is a convenience object that returns in one API call everything you need to work with when presenting a concept.



A Concept, together with its facts, that exists external to its knowledge graph. It optionally carries an API URI and Basic Authentication key that allows it to be collected when used. If the collection API is not specified or unavailable the last put or collected dossier is used.